The SMCA Advocacy Committee works to advocate on issues of concern to the community. This includes the community’s faith-based rights and the right to live free from discrimination.

Community Campaign- Write to your MP and Senator about the Genocide in Palestine.

📢 *Call to Action* – Write ✍🏼 to your MP and Senator about the Genocide in Palestine in 3 easy steps
*1* Click on the link below
*2* Add your name, address, and email address 
*3* press “Send my email”
An email would be sent to your MP with a copy to Foreign Minister, and you.  Please share widely.

SMCA Voices Community Concerns Regarding the Proposed “Equality Bill” in NSW- July 2024

The SMCA has been actively raising concerns regarding this proposed bill, especially its effect on women’s rights and women’s-only spaces, as well as the erosion of parental consent to their children’s medical treatment. We urge the community to contact their MPs regarding this bill. SMCA directors have engaged with multiple MPs to voice community concerns on this issue. We support the combined statement by Heads of Faith which can be accessed here: Equality Bill- Combined Head of Faith Statement

SMCA Letter to Foreign Minister Wong and meeting with Pakistan Embassy re the Situation in Parachinar- July 2024

The SMCA wrote to Foreign Minister Wong urging diplomatic intervention regarding the situation in Parachinar. The SMCA was also involved in convening a meeting for the local Parachinari community in Sydney with the Pakistan High Commissioner in Australia, where the community was able to voice its concerns directly to the High Commissioner. 

Read the letter to Foreign Minister Wong: SMCA Letter to Foreign Minister re Parachinar

Read the letter to the Pakistan High Commissioner:  SMCA Letter to Pakistan High Commissioner re Parachinar

Read the reply from the Foreign Minister

SMCA Letter of Support to Senator Fatima Payman- July 2024

We are writing on behalf of the Shia Muslim community in Australia to express our thanks for your brave stand in calling for an end to the atrocities in Palestine. Your bold stance on the genocide that is unfolding in Palestine, despite immense pressure, exemplifies the resilience, moral integrity, and leadership that our community deeply respects and values.

Read the full text of the letter here: SMCA Letter of Support to Senator Payman

SMCA Joint Statements with Other Faith Peak Bodies-2024

The SMCA often works with other faith leaders and peak bodies to raise concerns regarding religious freedom rights. 

Read the joint submission regarding the review of surrogacy laws in NSW: Joint Faith Leaders Submission re Surrogacy Act Review

Read the joint submission regarding proposed discrimination laws in QLD: Letter re Proposed Discimrination Laws in QLD